It is difficult to imagine how a minimum budget you can make cool three-wabookshelf speakers, but Yamaha has happened several times managed (by the way, information about these speakers can be found in Archive in Japanese company’s website). Yamaha NS-6490 looks like a museum piece, but in the design of these speakers have a lot of interesting details. Large thin-walledYamaha NS-6490 3-Way Bookshelf Speakersvessel is sealed and stri...阅读全文



一个新的article spinner工具,基于AI和NLP技术,非同义词替换。地址是http://www.AiSpin.com思路:普通的article spinner都是基于同义词替换的,连TBS都是。它们考虑的只是同义词替换的多不多,不会考虑替换的是否合适。这种以词/词组为单位的伪原创方式决定了其过程不会考虑上下文语境。而这一款ai spinner是完全基于自然语言的语义的,先以句子为单位,让程序读懂文章的意思,充分结合上下文,再通过一些人工智能算法换一种说法表达出来。生成出来的内容的自然是human like的。据作者称,对于大约500词的文章效果不错。同义词替换最大的弊端有两个:1. 无法结合上下文;2.无法调整语序。举个例子,我刚次输入了Avril的歌词“ Please tell me what is takin' place? 'Cos I can't seem to find a trace Guess it must have got erased somehow”得出的Spin后的句子是:“ Please tell me what is takin 'place? "Because I can not seem to find a trace of conjecture, it must be somehow removed”可以看出,后两句的表达比较完美,不仅关键的词语换了说法,而且还调整了语序,如it must have got erased somehow->it must be somehow removed 。原文的关键词got erased 在somehow之前,spun的关键词removed在somehow之后。即便是这样简单的例子,那些以同义词替换为原理的spin软件也是无法做到的。更多文章伪原创文章:文章伪原创方法和工具推荐


